Biblical Worldview Institute



Central Standard Time



Prestonwood Baptist Church
6801 W Park Blvd.
Plano, Texas 75093

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Biblical Worldview Conference

Join us for Biblical Worldview Institute: two half-day sessions on November 1 & 2, 2022, plus breakout sessions in the afternoons. BWi features world-renown speakers addressing this year's theme, “Anchored in the Faith," based on Hebrews 6:19. BWI is open to the public, and hundreds of students from around the region, including all PCA students in 7th-12th grades, will be in attendance. Click the link to learn more about this year's speakers and to register for this critical conference. You will walk away from these two days equipped with incredible and relevant information as well as encouraged to dive into the cultural chaos with the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Register at All the information you need is available on our website - list of speakers, address, times, registration details. 

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