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Losing weight after giving birth is not an easy task. In addition to the normal daily stresses, you now have a new little person to love and care for. Fortunately, there are effective options that don’t require huge time demands. Utopia Food & Fitness has helped several new mothers get their bodies back.

Sally Batt is one of those new mothers. “I was officially an exhausted, busy mom” states Sally.  With two young children (2 months old and 2 years old) and a husband who travels for work, Sally needed something that did not require a huge time commitment. She discovered Utopia Food & Fitness and was instantly drawn to the fact that the program only required two 20 minute workouts each week and had chefs that would prepare each of her meals and snacks.

 Sally and her husband decided to join Utopia together.  “Together we ate the delicious, natural and preservative-free food, worked out twice a week, and joked around with the staff.”  In addition to the convenience of the program, they both loved the clean, spa-like facility and friendly staff. After six weeks of short, effective workouts and delicious pre-prepared food, Sally lost 8 lbs. and 12.5 inches off of her body. Her husband lost 17.1 lbs of fat and gained 8.1 lbs of muscle. It’s been four months since Sally completed her Utopia program and she has kept the weight off.  You can read more about her journey on the Dallas Mom’s Blog here.

“We are both thankful for our results and would recommend Utopia Food and Fitness to anyone wanting to make a healthy change.”

If you’d like to find out more about how Utopia Food & Fitness can help you shed your baby weight, visit their website at or visit them at their Plano location: 5805 Preston Rd Suite 594, Plano, TX 75093.

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