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Tasty, Healthy Food: Essential Element of Weight Loss

It’s no secret that eating clean, healthy, whole food is essential for weight loss; however, healthy food isn’t always tasty. There are a fortunate few who thrive on grilled chicken breasts and steamed broccoli, but for many of us, this can get old after a few days. Too often we fall into a cycle of eating healthy and then splurging on fatty, sugary foods to nix pesky cravings. It’s also far too easy to stop by a fast food restaurant to easily fit a meal into your busy day. For these reasons, it’s essential to find a solution for healthy food that is both convenient AND tastes great to be successful with weight loss.

We’ve all been in the situation where we’ve eaten healthy for several days, and then as a treat, we reward ourselves with something we know isn’t good for us. Then that treat turns into another and before you know it, you’re completely off the healthy eating wagon.  It is okay to treat yourself, but be careful to avoid turning every meal into a treat. This nasty cycle is what prevents lasting weight loss for many of us.

You must also keep in mind that it’s not all about calories. While important, you can’t simply substitute tasty calories for healthy calories. Regrettably, there is a huge difference between eating 300 calories of grilled chicken and 300 calories of a candy bar. The grilled chicken is full of nutrients that promote the overall health of your body and keep you feeling full longer. It also contains proteins that boost your immune system and help your body recover from physical activity. Candy bars, on the other hand, are full of sugar that your body cannot currently process, and instead converts and stores as fat. In addition to the negative effects the sugar will have on your body, you’ll also be less satisfied and get hungry more quickly after the flash of energy goes away.

The best solution for simplified weight loss is to find healthy AND great tasting food. But does such a thing exist? Utopia Food & Fitness has worked to create just that; delicious food that contributes to lasting fat loss and your overall health.

Their meals are proven to result in lasting weight loss, but still give you all of the tastes you crave – both savory and sweet. This is because each meal and snack is prepared without the usual overabundance of grease, sugar and butter. Instead, they focus on delicious, fresh, seasonal gourmet-to-go meals made individually for you at your necessary caloric intake and particular tastes.

When creating meals, Utopia:

  • Features organic and all natural foods
  • Sources locally whenever possible
  • Changes their menu every season, to ensure variety and also use in-season products
  • Carefully taste tests all of their recipes to ensure you will love them

Utopia also makes healthy eating convenient. Each meal is freshly prepared for you, so all you have to do is pick up your food to take home and reheat.  There are several programs for you to choose from to ensure that you can easily incorporate healthy eating into your daily routine. You can pick ready-made meals off the shelf as convenient for you and your family, you can pre-order your meals, or participate in a six week weight loss program that combines healthy eating and on-site exercise for lasting, maximum results.

Visit Utopia today to pick up a few meals and see for yourself how healthy food can be delicious and easy!

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Thursday, 16 January 2014