
Washington, D.C. – Congressman Sam Johnson (R-TX) released the following statement on the Continuing Resolution (CR), which would fund the government through December 11, 2014:

“As a fiscal conservative, Air Force veteran, and POW, I could not in good conscience support this bill for several reasons. First, when so many Americans have had to tighten their belts in today’s economy, the last thing Washington needs to do is spend more of hardworking taxpayers’ money. This bill forfeits spending cuts Republicans have fought so hard for from the Obama Administration. Second, I was also disappointed to see this bill extend the Export-Import Bank, which I have opposed previously.

“The Continuing Resolution also included President Obama’s request to train and arm Syrian rebels as part of the President’s strategy to fight ISIS.  Make no mistake – ISIS is a threat to America and must be defeated.  Unfortunately, I am left with too many concerns with the President’s request.  Bottom-line: the last thing we need is our own weaponry and training to ultimately be used against us.”

On June 19, 2014, Congressman Johnson voted in support of H.Amdt. 917 to the Department of Defense Appropriations Act (H.R. 4870). This amendment would have prohibited the use of funds to provide weapons to Syria, but it ultimately failed 167-244.

Separately, on May 9, 2012, the Congressman voted against the last extension of the Export-Import Bank (H.R. 2072), which passed the House by a vote of 330-93.


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