
Washington, D.C. – Today U.S. Congressman Sam Johnson (TX-03) introduced the No Amnesty Tax “Refunds” for Illegals Act, a bill that would prevent illegals from receiving up to $24,000 in tax “refunds” from the IRS.  This legislation follows his “no” vote last evening for a Homeland Security funding bill that would fund President Obama’s executive amnesty. 

 “It’s no secret that I adamantly oppose the President’s amnesty,” said Johnson.  “It’s why I voted against yesterday’s Homeland Security bill that funds his unlawful actions.  And when I recently found out that the IRS can indeed take your hard-earned taxpayer dollars and hand it out as amnesty tax ‘refunds’ to illegal immigrants, I decided to do something about that, too.  That’s why I’ve introduced this common sense bill to stand up for the hardworking, law-abiding American taxpayer and stop the IRS from giving out these ‘refunds.’”

 “A majority of Americans – including the folks in Collin County who elected me to represent them – OPPOSE the President’s executive amnesty,” Johnson continued.  “And it’s no wonder why – it’s not just wrong but unconstitutional.  We are a Nation of laws.  It’s wrong that Obama wants to grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants and offensive to American taxpayers who will be footing the bill for Obama’s amnesty – like these $24,000 ‘amnesty’ checks!

 “The President may try to ignore the Constitution, but as a staunch constitutional conservative I will do everything I can to ensure that the rule of law is upheld.  It’s time the President begins to listen to the majority of Americans he serves. Regardless, you can rest assured to I will be working to protect YOU – the American people.

 At a February 11 Ways and Means Oversight hearing with IRS Commissioner John Koskinen, Mr. Johnson exposed as bogus the President’s claim made in November 2014 that, among the requirements for getting his executive amnesty, illegals must be “willing to pay your fair share of taxes.”  Instead, as a result of the President’s executive amnesty, illegals can get as much as $24,000 from the IRS by retroactively claiming the Earned Income Tax Credit, a refundable tax credit.  Current law requires tax filers to provide their Social Security numbers as well as that of their dependents for the EITC.  The President’s executive amnesty will allow illegals to get Social Security numbers and thus enable them to claim the EITC.   



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