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COVID-19 has impacted our community in an unprecedented manner, changing the way all of us conduct our daily lives In this struggle, students have been equally impacted by this pandemic, with many lacking access to basic educational resources. As response to this issue, 4 local high school students - Charvi Goyal, Angelina Ehara, Jessica Ding, and Kaustubh Sonawane - have started a nonprofit organization, named TutorScope, to provide free tutoring sessions for students of all ages within the community. This service offers one-on-one online tutoring sessions for K-12 students in hopes of creating a boundaryless place for students to turn to when they need help.

This organization began at the start of the pandemic lockdown, when after noticing many students falling behind in their studies without face-to-face teaching, the now-executive board of TutorScope got together for the single purpose of expanding learning across social barriers outside of the classroom. After spreading the word about their service, the organization quickly attracted hundreds of viewers from around the DFW area, allowing many more students to catch up in school and get the educational attention that they needed. 

Over the 3 months of active engagement during the school year and 2 months of summer, TutorScope has attracted over 30 students and expanded to multiple cities around the region, creating a community of free educational help for many. In addition, over the time period, TutorScope has added 6 new tutors to the organization with organization growth only on the rise. Into the future, this up-and-coming organization hopes to partner with local homeless shelters and community resource centers to provide valuable tools to students without the same resources as most. 

As an organization, TutorScope has a lot of potential to aid students across Texas and beyond, especially with a unique business structure devoted to maximum benefits to the community and a leadership group knowledgeable in the necessary supplements to public education. In the motto of this team, TutorScope’s contribution is By Students, For Students.


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