Tom Brooks
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Beat the holiday rush to honor a volunteer you know who is doing great work without much recognition.

Nominations for the 2018 Richardson Real Heroes awards will close at midnight, Dec. 23, 2017. 

The basic criteria:

  • The service must benefit Richardson, it’s residents or schools.
  • The individual receives no monetary compensation for the service.
  • The individual has not received significant public recognition for the service.
  • Elected officials are not eligible. 

Real Heroes can be nominated in two classifications: Adult (post high school) and Youth (high school age).

More detailed criteria and the nomination form are on the Richardson Real Heroes website at:

“The volunteers nominated are already heroes,” said Barbara Berthold, Real Heroes committee chair. “We want to publicly honor them, their efforts and the organizations they serve. Richardson Real Heroes gives public recognition to people whose dedication might otherwise go unnoticed. We celebrate the power of volunteers whose work contributes so much value to our community.”

Richardson Real Heroes is in its ninth year of operation and was founded and funded by The Richardson Coalition, a political action committee.

For more information, contact Barbara Berthold:

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