Tom Brooks
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Richardson Real Heroes will host a kickoff party Nov. 18 to raise awareness and encourage 2015 Real Hero nominations.
“We’re looking for people associated with any nonprofit organization operating in Richardson with significant volunteer support to show up and get a better understanding of our effort,” said Bill Zeigler, chairman of Richardson Real Heroes. Also attending the event will be other Real Heroes board members and previous recipients of the Richardson Real Hero honor.
Launching its sixth annual effort, Richardson Real Heroes honors volunteers who make a significant contribution to the city and its citizens, but without public recognition.
“These people are heroes before they walk in the door,” Zeigler said. “We just want to recognize and honor them, their efforts and their organization in a public way. Richardson does a great job of highlighting visible people who have made contributions to our city. We’re picking up the slack with the unsung heroes.”
The event will be from 6:00 to 7:30 pm at Ye Shire Tavern, 3600 Shire Blvd #112 in Richardson (southwest corner of Jupiter Rd. and Bush Toll way). Light snacks will be provided and a cash bar is available.
The Real Heroes board will provide complete information for the nomination process and the procedure to determine the 2015 Richardson Real Heroes.
The organization changed its process in 2014, choosing to name all of its six finalists as Richardson Real Heroes. In previous years, finalists were chosen and then one Real Hero was announced at the spring Richardson Real Hero event.
For 2015, the process will select three to five Richardson Real Heroes from the list of nominees. Richardson Real Heroes was started and is funded by The Richardson Coalition.
For more information, contact Tom Brooks, public relations chair of Richardson Real Heroes.
Phone: 214-415-2551
Check out the website at



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