Tom Brooks
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Richardson Real Heroes want to honor volunteers doing great work on behalf of Richardson, Richardson residents or schools serving Richardson. Nominations for the 2016 Real Heroes awards are open and can be submitted online through the group’s website.


Real Heroes will honor three to five volunteers. The basic criteria:

-        The service must be on behalf of Richardson, Richardson residents or schools serving    Richardson

-        The individual receives no monetary compensation for the service

-        The individual does not receive significant public recognition for the service

-        Elected officials are not eligible.

More detailed criteria and the entry form are on the Richardson Real Heroes website at


“These people are heroes before they walk in the door,” said Bill Zeigler, Real Heroes chairman. “We just want to recognize and honor them, their efforts and their organization in a public way. This is your chance to get public recognition for someone whose dedication might otherwise go unnoticed.”


Nominations will close at midnight Dec. 23, 2015. Those chosen as 2016 Richardson Real Heroes will be honored at an awards presentation on April 2016.


Richardson Real Heroes is in its seventh year of operation and was founded and funded by The Richardson Coalition, a political action committee.

For more information, contact Bill Zeigler: or (214) 783-5634.

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