Justine Sweeney
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Junior League of Collin County (JLCC) offers information sessions year-round for prospective members to learn about the Junior League’s mission, community programs, and commitments as well as meet current members.  Each year women from across the Collin County area embark on a journey to serve their communities and develop their own leadership potential through JLCC membership. One unique characteristic of the JLCC is the diversity of its membership with ages ranging from 21 to 80+ allowing women to join at any life stage. No matter if you have lived in Collin County your whole life or are new to the area, membership serves as an excellent conduit to learn about the community, hone leadership skills, gain volunteer training as well as form life-long friendships.   

At the heart of the Junior League of Collin County’s mission is volunteerism and the rooted commitment to improve lives within Collin County.   Comprised of nearly 1,000 women dedicated to improving the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers, the Junior League of Collin County strives to have its mission serve as inspiration to others to embrace volunteerism and community impact.  Members are exposed to many needs of the community and collaborate on solutions for lasting community change.  Key areas of interest include family violence, literacy, health, and children. 

JLCC offers two sessions per year and the fall deadline is July 15, 2021.  All sessions below are held at the Junior League of Collin County Headquarters: 5805 Coit Road Ste. 301 Plano, TX 75093  

For information, contact or visit: 



Tuesday, June 29

6:30 - 7:30 PM

Wednesday, July 7

6:30 – 7:30 PM

Saturday, July 10

8:30 – 9:30 AM

Tuesday, July 13

6:30 – 7:30 PM

Saturday, July 17

9:30 – 10:30 AM

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