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Sunrise Service The Sunrise Service, led by students, will take place in the meditation garden.

St. Andrew United Methodist Church, located at 5801 W. Plano Parkway, invites you to join us as we journey through Holy Week in preparation and anticipation of Easter morning, when we will celebrate the risen Lord together!  Experience Easter morning at St. Andrew, where your entire family will be welcomed home. 

Here are the services and worship times:


Maundy Thursday, March 29 at 7 p.m., Sanctuary: Remembering the Last Supper with bread and cup (childcare available)

Good Friday, March 30 at 7 p.m.,  Sanctuary, Traditional with Orchestra and Choir: Remembering the sacrifice on the cross with a service of darkness (childcare available)



March 31 at 5:30 p.m., Sanctuary: Traditional with Brass and Choir (childcare provided in the Parlor for children ages 4 and older and room 10 in the nursery for children under age 4)

April 1 at 7 a.m., Meditation Garden: Sunrise service led by students;  

     8, 9:30 & 11 a.m., Sanctuary: Traditional with Brass and Choir (childcare provided in the nursery for all ages at each hour; classroom info listed at the kiosks); 

     8, 9:30 & 11 a.m., Smith Worship Center: Contemporary (childcare provided in the nursery for all ages at each hour; classroom info listed at the kiosks)



Join us any time between the Maundy Thursday service on March 29 and Easter Sunrise April 1 for a round-the-clock prayer vigil held in Festival Hall. 


We hope to see you at St. Andrew during this very special week!  St. Andrew is a congregation of people who follow Jesus, live in relationship, serve others, and take risks in faith. Worship includes five services each weekend on a 21.2-acre campus at the corner of Plano Parkway and Mira Vista in Plano, Texas, where nearly 2,000 people gather each weekend. The church has been repeatedly selected as a "Best Place to Worship in Plano” by the readers of the Plano Star Courier. Groups gather on campus and throughout the region seven days a week, including small group and Bible studies; a renowned music ministry; service through missions such as the Seven Loaves Community Center, providing services to qualifying Collin County residents to help escape the poverty cycle; 4 Corners Global Outreach, reaching remote villages needing medical care; Career Care, a workforce assistance program; and more. Visit; call 972-380-8001.

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