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New branding brings Seven Loaves Food Pantry, Joseph’s Coat, and Project Hope’s services under the umbrella of The Storehouse of Collin County


Seven Loaves Community has changed its name to The Storehouse of Collin County to better reflect the combination of services the nonprofit offers to Collin County residents in need. The nonprofit’s mission remains the same as the three programs – Seven Loaves Food Pantry, Joseph’s Coat, and Project Hope – will still be known by their respective names but will now fall under the umbrella of services offered at The Storehouse of Collin County.

Since 2009, Seven Loaves Community has been a beacon of hope in the community of Collin County. Thousands of families have experienced the transformational assistance that the Seven Loaves Food Pantry, Joseph's Coat, and Project Hope have offered, and hundreds of volunteers have given their time and service.

“The largest reach we have in the community is by far through the Seven Loaves Food Pantry, where, on average, 900 families a month are receiving this service,” said Carolyn Getridge, interim executive director, The Storehouse. “Because of this, we have found that it is common for many to only think of us as a food pantry. Through a lengthy process of surveying our impact, it was determined that Seven Loaves Community needed a clearer way to define the services we offer.  This will not only be helpful to those we serve but also to our volunteers as well as corporations and foundations with charitable dollars to share.”

In addition to Seven Loaves Food Pantry, which provides healthy food and pantry staples to an average of 900 families per month, Joseph’s Coat, a clothing closet, provides an average of 4,000 garments a month.  Additionally, Project Hope helps women in crisis tackle the hardships in life by providing mentors, advocates and skill training.

“As the population of North Texas continues to grow, so does the rate of poverty,” added Getridge. “There are 130,000 people in Collin County alone in need of help with basic necessities. The Storehouse is designed to give clients the opportunity for both short-term assistance and long-term transformation. We want to continue to provide residents with the hope that change is possible with our three-part focus of Seven Loaves, Joseph’s Coat, and Project Hope. Additionally, this new branding easily allows for continued growth of our services should additional programs become needed in the years to come.”

The name “The Storehouse” is taken from Malachi 3:10, "Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. And thereby put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need."

“We are excited for the ways that this new branding will allow us to grow and serve our clients until there is no more need,” added Getridge.

Visit http://www.thestorehousecc.org


The Storehouse of Collin County, housed within St. Andrew United Methodist Church, is the umbrella of services providing short-term assistance and long-term transformation to residents of Collin County in need: the Seven Loaves Food Pantry, serving 900 families a month; Joseph’s Coat Clothing Closet, providing an average of 4,000 garments each month; and Project Hope, a mentoring program supporting women in crisis. The program first began in 2009 under the name of Seven Loaves which provided only food pantry staples and grew over the years to meet a variety of needs. An estimated 130,000 people in Collin County live below the poverty level, more than half of which are children. Visit



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