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Event is Free and Open to the Public

As a response to the recent tragedy involving three 16-year-old Shepton High School girls, St. Andrew United Methodist Church invites parents (teens are welcomed to attend with their parents) to “How to Help Our Teens Cope with Grief,” a presentation and Q&A led by Licensed Professional Counselor Jenny Gomez, MS, LPCS, RPTS, this Sunday, Feb. 19, 2 p.m., Festival Hall, St. Andrew United Methodist Church, 1401 Mira Vista Blvd., Plano, 75093.

Jenny Gomez has years of experience in both private and nonprofit settings working with children and adolescents, individuals, families and couples struggling with a variety of issues. There is no cost to attend and no RSVP is required. Enter the church under the blue awning on the northeast (Mira Vista) side.

St. Andrew hopes this event will provide some helpful ways for families to cope during this extremely difficult time in our community.

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