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Celebrate Advent at St. Andrew Methodist and Reflect on the Many Ways You Can Be a Gift to Others

St. Andrew Methodist Church invites the community to share in the joy of the season while exploring ways to be “a gift” to others. From concerts and fun children’s events to Stations of the Nativity, an advent Bible study and worship, as well as the second year of a new Giving Tree tradition, there are many ways to come together for celebration, reflection, and service to others.

“Throughout the four weeks of Advent, St. Andrew will focus on each of these essential themes—Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love—inviting our congregation and the broader community to engage in meaningful reflection and action,” said Rev. Arthur Jones, senior pastor of St. Andrew. “Each week will serve as a reminder of the gifts we can bring to the world, encouraging us all to not only seek these virtues but to actively be the change we wish to see.”

The annual Christmas Festival will kick off holiday events at St. Andrew on Sunday, Dec. 8 in the sanctuary with two identical performances at 9:30 and 11 a.m. The Christmas Festival features a full professional orchestra, brilliant arrangements of favorite carols, and new music by Taylor Scott Davis, St. Andrew’s creative director of traditional worship and music. Before and after the performances, Santa and his reindeer will be outside for a photo opportunity in his sleigh – complete with falling snow! There is no cost.

That evening, bring the family back to St. Andrew for the annual Advent Celebration from 5:30-7:30 p.m. The popular and fun event features a Christmas train ride, an exhilarating 8-foot snow tube, musical performances, and a trip back in time to “A Night in Bethlehem,” an interactive family experience for children to explore what life was like in Bethlehem. The event is free, and dinner is available for purchase.

On Sunday, Dec. 15, at 6 p.m., St. Andrew presents a new musical event, “A Baroque Christmas,” in the sanctuary.  Led by Gary Levinson, the senior principal associate concertmaster of the Dallas Symphony Orchestra, this event will feature musicians and St. Andrew vocalists performing Christmas music that is nearly 400 years old. The concert will conclude with Antonio Vivaldi’s classic “Gloria.” In lieu of tickets, a donation of $20 is suggested.

St. Andrew’s Children’s Nativity Service, beloved by all ages, will take place on Saturday, Dec. 21, 5:30 p.m. in the sanctuary. Children, from pre-K to Grade 5, lead a worship service. From leading the opening prayer and reading the Nativity story to acting out the story in costume, there is something for each age group at this heartwarming event, which also includes singing from the children’s choir and a message from Rev. Arthur Jones.

For those wanting to take a deeper dive into the season of Advent, visit the outdoor Stations of the Nativity, Dec. 1 – 31, from dawn to dusk, through a podcast available with a QR code. Beginning near the Hasley Chapel, experience the story of Jesus’ birth via audio-guided message as you journey to stations around the scenic creek and pond. With music and spiritual meditations, this inspirational experience allows participants to experience the story alongside the original witnesses of Jesus’ birth. For additional reflection, an Advent Bible Study, led by Rev. Kim Meyers, will be held on Wednesdays at noon, Dec. 4, 11, and 18 in Piro Hall. Bring your lunch and a Bible and attend as you are able. Each week explores a different focus.

Back by popular demand, the “Behold the Lamb of God” Tour will return to St. Andrew in the sanctuary on Thursday, Dec. 5 at 7 p.m. Presented by Nashville singer-songwriter and author Andrew Peterson, the tour, now in its 25th year, tells the “true tall tale” of the coming of Christ in a live concert event, featuring guest artists Jess Ray, The Arcadian Wild, Andy Gullahorn, Jill Phillips, Andrew Osenga, and Skye Peterson along with an all-star cast of Nashville songwriters and musicians. The concert brings the singing and playing of Peterson's original folk-roots infused rendition of the Christmas story as it is foreshadowed in the Old Testament and brought to bear in the New Testament. Exclusive ticket prices for St. Andrew: $45 for floor seating and $30 for balcony seating. Purchase online at

The 26th annual St. Andrew Heart of Christmas Silent Auction and Lunch, hosted by Methodist Women, will take place on Saturday, Dec. 7, 11 a.m., in Smith Worship Center, benefiting 2025 missions, including the St. Andrew Prom Closet. The cost is $25 per ticket or a reserved table of eight for $200. View auction items beginning Nov. 25.

St. Andrew’s Giving Tree, available Dec. 1 – 31, gives participants a way to give back to mission partners including The Storehouse Community Center, Beacon of Light mental health ministry, and 4 Corners. Special trees throughout the campus provide a selection of items to choose from, ranging from $10 to $100.

Each year, St. Andrew’s Service of Comfort and Hope, Sunday, Dec. 22, 2 p.m., in the Hasley Chapel, presents a worship experience for those who seek the solace of a quiet Christmas season – one of remembering and preparation. For anyone dealing with death, separation, health concerns and any number of situations, the holidays can be a time of mixed emotions.  Through song and reflection, this service provides the comfort, hope, and knowledge that we are never alone.

The beautiful Christmas Candlelight Services of St. Andrew will begin on Monday, Dec. 23 with 6 p.m. services in both the sanctuary (traditional) and Smith Worship Center (contemporary). On Dec. 24, there will be six times for Christmas Eve services, including both traditional and contemporary options from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Visit for times and details.

“With the hustle and bustle that comes with the holidays, we hope you will take time to celebrate with us and reflect on the true meaning of the season,” added Rev. Jones. “Come and make new Christmas memories with your family and discover new ways you can be a “gift” to others this holiday season and as we begin a new year.”

Please watch this St. Andrew Christmas Video for more information or visit for any additional information.

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St. Andrew Methodist Church, founded in 1986, is located on 21.2 acres in Plano, Texas, and has more than 7,000 members. The church hosts over 2,000 people each weekend for worship services in both a traditional style with the classic pipe organ and a contemporary style with an LED center screen and lighting technology. St. Andrew extends an open invitation for all to be a part of a community ready to embrace faith in Christ that is real, practical, and life changing. Many opportunities are provided to gather on campus and serve locally, regionally, and globally. Through Invite Ministries, St. Andrew’s publishing house, and Beacon of Light, a mental health ministry, St. Andrew offers innovative ways to reach Christians within its congregation and out in the community. The new 300-seat Hasley Chapel provides worship and other gathering opportunities in a scenic and more intimate setting. In 2022 St. Andrew became an independent Methodist Church seeking to live more like Jesus every day and to learn in deeper ways what it means to follow His teachings, live in community, and serve the world. 5801 W. Plano Parkway, Plano, Texas 75093. Visit; call (972)380-8001.

St. Andrew Christmas Festival - Dec. 8
St. Andrew Christmas Festival - Dec. 8
St. Andrew Christmas Festival - Dec. 8
St. Andrew Advent Celebration - Dec. 8
St. Andrew Advent Celebration - Dec. 8
St. Andrew Advent Celebration - Dec. 8
A Baroque Christmas with Gary Levinson - Dec. 15
Stations of the Nativity - Dec. 1 - 31
St. Andrew Children's Nativity Service - Dec. 21
Christmas Eve Candlelight Services
Monday, 25 November 2024