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PCA attains ECFA Accreditation Holding PCA’s new ECFA seal are, from left to right, Dr. Larry Taylor, Head of School; Angel DeLeon, Senior Director of Development; Susan Verheul, Senior Director Business Administration; John Klingstedt, Assistant Head of School – Business. (photo credit: Teruko LaMendola).

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The ECFA (Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability) recently announced the accreditation of Prestonwood Christian Academy. ECFA accreditation is based on the ECFA Seven Standards of Responsible Stewardship™, including financial accountability, transparency, sound board governance and ethical fundraising.   


Prestonwood Christian Academy joins a growing number of Christ-centered schools, churches and ministries across America, supported by over 27 million donors that have earned the right to display the ECFA seal.  When an organization is accredited by ECFA, it demonstrates its willingness to follow the model of biblical accountability.


“We are pleased to accredit a ministry committed to assist Christian parents by helping equip students to embrace biblical truth, strive for academic excellence, and model Christ-like leadership to influence their homes, churches, and communities for Christ,” said Dan Busby, president of ECFA.

Founded in 1995, Prestonwood Christian Academy ( places great value on the growth of students’ spiritual health in addition to their scholastic endeavors and co-curricular activities.


To learn more about Prestonwood Christian Academy and their stewardship opportunities, visit ServantMatch®, ECFA’s program that matches God’s servants with the stewardship options of ECFA members based on ministry sectors and categories. It is ECFA’s newest online feature that allows you to quickly and easily find giving opportunities.


ECFA, founded in 1979, provides accreditation to leading Christian nonprofit organizations that faithfully demonstrate compliance with the ECFA Standards pertaining to financial accountability, fundraising and board governance.  For more information about ECFA, including information about accreditation and a listing of ECFA-accredited members, visit or call 1-800-323-9473.


Prestonwood Christian Academy serves more than 1,600 students enrolled at three campuses: Plano (Pre-K3 through 12th grade), PCA North in Prosper (Pre-K3 through 7th grade) and PCAplus Virtual Academy. PCA North is now enrolling through 8th grade. PCA has been recognized as having one of the strongest Christian education programs in the country providing intentional biblical worldview training and integration. PCA places great value on the growth of students’ spiritual health in addition to their scholastic endeavors and co-curricular activities. Tantamount to its Spiritual Development plan is PCA’s rigorous Liberal Arts academic program. Since it first graduating class in 2002 through the class of 2017, graduates were offered nearly $100 million in scholarship for academics, arts and athletics from universities and other institutions of higher learning. Both Prestonwood campuses are currently accepting applications for the 2018-19 school year. PCA North is hosting a Meet and Greet on April 19, 2018, at 1:00 p.m. when families will have the opportunity to visit with PCA’s Head of School and PCA North Principals, ask questions and take a tour. Details and registration are available at

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