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For 25 years, Prestonwood Christian Academy (PCA) has been investing in the lives of its students by helping them intentionally build their lives on Kingdom foundations and a biblical worldview.

“As we reflect on 25 years of impact, let’s be reminded that God has orchestrated every step along the journey,” said Dr. Michael Goddard, superintendent of Prestonwood Christian Academy System of Schools. “From small beginnings to the new expansions, we continue to daily hear stories of Christ’s impact on the lives of our students, teachers, alumni and community. We are grounded in proud traditions and are roaring forward into God’s gift of future opportunities.”

Since its humble beginning in 1997 at Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, Texas, PCA has expanded into a system of six schools serving more than 2,000 students in preschool through 12th grade: PCA Plano in Plano, Texas, St. Timothy Christian Academy in Plano, Texas, PCA North in Prosper, Texas, The King's Academy in South Dallas, Texas, PCA Hybrid and PCA Online. At each campus, students are offered an education that encourages spiritual growth, character building and academic excellence so they are equipped to live strong, empowered lives for Christ.

“The word ‘Christian’ in our name is not just a label. The mission of the church is the mission of the school: introduce Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord to as many people as possible, using the most effective means,” said Dr. Jack Graham, Pastor of Prestonwood Baptist Church. “Over the last 25 years, with the blessing and favor of God, Prestonwood Christian Academy has grown to become an unstoppable force for education and the gospel.”

Over its two-and-a-half decades of existence, Prestonwood Christian Academy has reached the following milestones:

  • Nearly 5,000 students, parents and guardians have made professions of faith in Jesus Christ.
  • More than 400 PCA 7th-12th grade students take part in mission trips each year through the “Minimester” program, and more than 800 7th-12th grade students, faculty and staff serve their local communities annually on Service Project Day
  • Since 2002, PCA graduates have been awarded more than $154 million in college scholarships.
  • $38 million in financial aid has been provided for students who otherwise would not be able to attend PCA through the Sponsor-A-Child tuition assistance program.
  • PCA has graduated more than 2,000 alumni, 15 of which are on staff in the PCA System of Schools. 

“At Prestonwood Christian Academy, learning will always be more than an education. It's an investment that is establishing students for life,” Dr. Michael Goddard said. “We greatly look forward to the next 25 years.”

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