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Dr. Ron Moss Dr. Ron Moss, PCA's Director of Guidance & College Placement, was honored with a lifetime achievement award by The North American Coalition for Christian Admissions Professionals, Inc.

The North American Coalition for Christian Admissions (NACCAP) recently honored Dr. Ron W. Moss, Director of Guidance and College Placement at Prestonwood Christian Academy (PCA) in Plano, with their lifetime achievement recognition.

“NACCAP is honored to acknowledge the lifetime achievement of Ronald W. Moss,” said Mr. Chant Thompson, Executive Director of NACCAP. “Over the years, Ron has contributed mightily to the effectiveness of our organization. As we endeavor to help students and Christian school enrollment professionals with the wonderful task of helping families realize the dreams they have for their educational future, Ron has been a key part of those decisions.”

Dr. Moss has been involved in the counseling, admission and enrollment management profession for more than forty years.  Five years ago he began a new chapter in his educational career at Prestonwood Christian Academy upon completing his eighteenth year at Southern Methodist University as Dean of Admission and Executive Director of Enrollment Services. SMU Enrollment Services includes undergraduate admission, financial aid, merit scholarships, student records, and the bursar.  Prior to SMU, Dr. Moss served as Director of Admission at Rice University for twelve years.  He began his career as Director of Freshmen Admission at Texas Christian University.

“It is no surprise to those of us who are fortunate to work alongside Dr. Moss each day that he was honored for a lifetime of diligence and good work,” said Dr. Larry Taylor, Head of School at PCA. “We are grateful for the way Ron serves so many in our community and beyond.”

In addition to his college guidance and counseling duties at PCA, Dr. Moss has been a frequent speaker and author concerning the profession and has served numerous professional associations in a variety of leadership roles.  He recently completed a term as a member of the National Association of College Admission Counselors (NACAC) Editorial Board and is a former faculty member of the association's annual Admission Middle Management Institute (AMMI).  He also has served on the NACAC Executive Board, as a chief delegate for two terms to the NACAC assembly, as a member of the Fund for the Future Committee, as chair of the State and Regional Presidents Council, and is a recipient of the association's John B. Muir Editor's Award for contributions to the profession's literature.

“I am deeply humbled and honored to receive this recognition,” said Dr. Moss. “It is a joy to represent our Lord on a daily basis.”

Through his current work at Prestonwood Christian Academy, Dr. Moss has become an active participant in the national dialogue and professional development for professionals at faith-based secondary schools and colleges and universities. He was recently elected to the Executive Board of the National Association of Christian College Admission Professionals (NACCAP) and serves as a member of the association's Professional Development Committee. He is part of the design team which recently developed and wrote the curriculum for a nationally based certification program for college counselors employed in faith-based high schools. He now serves as a Senior Faculty member for the program which launched during the 2015-16 academic year.

Dr. Moss also has served the Texas Association of College Admission Counselor (TACAC) in numerous leadership capacities including President and founding Secretary.  Additionally, he has been on the faculty of the TACAC-College Board's Admission and College Counseling Institute Summer Institute for twenty-five years, recently completing a five-year period as Institute Co-Director.  He also is the recipient of the Association's Founders Award. He has served two elected terms on the National Guidance and Admission Committee (GAAC) of The College Board and currently serves as a member of the Board's 21st Century Consortium.  In his role with the College Board he also has served the Southwest Region of the College Board in numerous other capacities including Chair of the Regional Council, Chair of the Nominating Committee and Conference Coordinator.

Dr. Moss also serves on a number of scholarship programs including Coca-Cola Scholars, Campbell Scholars, the Sponsored Scholarship Service and Chevron Scholars.  He also has served or currently serves on The Common Application Committee, Hobson's Advisory Board, College Guide Advisory and America's Junior Miss.  In his licensed ministry, he also served a number of churches in a variety of roles. He received Doctorate from the University of North Texas, where he served as a Research Fellow and received the school's Distinguished Graduate Student Award.  He also is a recipient of the PTA Lifetime Membership Award.  As an Eagle Scout, he has remained active in scouting, including various duties with the local troop from which his two sons earned their Eagle Awards.  His wife, a former admission professional, remains a professional educator and active volunteer.

Prestonwood Christian Academy is celebrating its 20th school year serving more than 1,600 students enrolled at three campuses: Plano (Pre-Kindergarten 3 through 12th grade), PCA North in Prosper (Pre-Kindergarten 3 through 6th grade) and PCAplus Virtual Academy.  The school has been recognized as having one of the strongest Christian education programs in the country providing intentional biblical worldview training and integration. PCA places great value on the growth of students’ spiritual health in addition to their scholastic endeavors and co-curricular activities. In addition to PCA’s spiritual development plan, the school promotes a rigorous Liberal Arts academic program. The graduating class of 2016 was offered more than $15 million in scholarship for academics, arts and athletics from universities and other institutions of higher learning. PCA is currently accepting applications. Interested families are invited to take a tour of either campus. Please visit for more information!

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