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It’s the time of year when people really express their holiday cheer! From coordinating light and music shows to blow up snowmen, holiday decorations run the gamut. Take the hanging man, for example. While this may be humorous to some, it could cause accidents in front of your home from people suddenly stopping to render aid!

We are in complete support of anyone who wishes to use the holidays as a time to express their decorative flare. However, there are ways to ensure you do so safely.

Outdoor Decorating Tips

  1. Gutters are not for heavy items – Those hangers for your gutters are meant for lights, not to hold heavy objects. Make sure you do not stress them, and your gutter, by putting too much on them.
  2. Keep walkways clear – it’s easy to get carried away, filling your yard with festive holiday objects. Make sure you keep walkways and sidewalks clear.
  3. Less is more – comedy films aside, having too many lights, too many moving ornaments, frankly just a large number of decorative items can put a strain on the fuse box, particularly for those in older homes. Plus it’s easy to become entangled in long strings of lights, so have fun, go all out, but keep it safe.
  4. Watch eaves and overhangs – if you place large ornaments or other hanging objects on your front porch, make sure they are lightweight and high enough for family and guests to enter your home.
  5. Build it and they will come – for those extraordinary decorators, there will be people who want to see your great work. Be prepared for cars to drive by and enjoy the decorations with you. You may want to ensure your car is parked in the garage or far enough away from your home you can get into it and run errands while others enjoy your handiwork.

Indoor Decorating Tips

  1. Watch for fire – this time of year people will burn more candles, either for religious or decorative purposes. Make sure you snuff them out completely before leaving your home. Also, watch decorative mantel scarves around fireplaces to ensure they are not close to the flames.
  2. Trees are beautiful – for those traditionalists, there is nothing better than a live tree. However, these trees dry out quickly, so make sure you have a good water system and watering calendar in place. Sweep up needles regularly, and make sure you replace any old lights with newer, more energy efficient ones. It’s great to use family ornaments passed down, but those old lights could get hot so better to replace them.
  3. Homemade decorations – it’s so important to include children in your holiday decorating, so when little Susie wants to hang her homemade gingerbread man on the tree, how can you say no? Just watch out for decorations made of food. Without proper treatment they can spoil, putting a damper on the holiday spirit. 
  4. Watch out for pets – there are so many new items in their home now too! It’s only normal they should be curious, so make sure they are also kept safe. Keep candles at levels away from pets, and of course children. Cats are notorious for climbing in trees, so make sure your tree is well anchored. Of course, keep those holiday treats away from the family pet – another good reason to reconsider putting food ornaments on the tree! It keeps Fido from looking at it for a snack.

Keep Everyone Safe and Protected

The holidays are a special time of year, giving you more time with family and friends. It’s also when inclement weather hits, so take this opportunity to ensure your homeowners insurance has all the coverage you need. It’s also a good time to consider reviewing auto policies and personal liability. Nothing puts a damper on your holiday plans more quickly than ice damaging your home or a fender bender on the slick roads. Our friendly insurance specialists are available to answer your questions and provide a review of your policies. Proactive review of your policies will give you peace of mind, so you can enjoy your holidays and enjoy the peace of the season! Happy Holidays!

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