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John Paul II High School in Plano is celebrating National Catholic Schools Week from January 27-January 31. The students, faculty and staff will participate in food drives, service projects and a special Mass to commemorate the week. The theme of the week is Faith, Knowledge and Service, and the school will incorporate these tenets into each activity. 

  • Monday- "Knowledge"- Gently Used or New Book Drive. 
  • Tuesday- "Faith" All School Mass - Prayer Card gifts for the students. 
  • Wednesday- "Community" — Canned Food Drive.
  • Thursday- "Service" — Nurturing the Homeless: Students will make sandwiches in the morning; deliver the sandwiches in the afternoon. 9th: Donate Peanut Butter; 10th: Sandwich Bags; 11th: Grape Jelly; 12th: Bread 
  • Friday- “Celebrate" — Celebrate Catholic Education with a special treat at lunch.