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PLANO, TEXAS, February 5, 2014 – JPIIHS senior soccer player Madison Leenher has signed with the University of Arkansas to play Division I soccer. Leenher chose Arkansas over TCU, Texas Tech, West Point and the Naval Academy. “I chose the school because I really felt at home there,” said Leenher. “I loved the coaches, and the program is really successful.”

Leenher has been a four-year member of the varsity team at John Paul II High School, and has always stood out as a leader. “Madison is a very special player,” said JPIIHS varsity coach Jeremy Morse. “She has a high soccer IQ, she’s skillful and clever and always finds ways to score.”

She was named 1st Team All District in 2011, 2nd Team All State in 2012 and Honorable Mention All District in 2013. She was named MVP of her team in the 2011-2012 season as well, and currently leads the team with six goals this season. Coach Morse thinks Leenher has the skills to excel at the next level as well. “She is walking into an established program and will have to really step up early,” “he said. Her skill level and ability to work hard will really help her at Arkansas.”

In addition to varsity soccer at JPIIHS, Madison plays for Solar ECNL. At JPIIHS she is involved in the Pro-Life club, played volleyball, and went on a week-long mission trip to Nicaragua. 

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