
The Jasper Jazz Drill Team made a big impact this holiday season on the mission programs affiliated with Christ United Methodist Church in Plano. 

The team rallied together to provide new books for children and yarn for the teams that make and deliver warm blankets to those who are sick or in the hospital.

Linda Poole, Director of Missions at CUMC, was grateful for the team’s support, and thanked them for all they do for the community.

“The many books provided for children of all ages will go to the underserved children around our community, some of which may not have any books in their homes,” Poole said. “We also have a group that knits and crochets blankets for those who are hospitalized or sick. The yarn allows us to provide more blankets to those in need.” 

The Jasper Jazz Drill Team was grateful for the opportunity to extend the mission programs of CUMC.