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Los-Angeles based actress, pastor and author Naima Lett.

PLANO, Texas – The Women’s Ministry at Northeast Bible Church invites all ladies to attend a daylong conference titled “Silhouettes: Broken to Lovely.”

Los Angeles-based actress, pastor and author Naima Lett will present an original drama about Biblical characters that today’s woman can relate to.

It will be the highlight of a women’s conference that includes engaging workshops for the mind, body, soul and spirit. There will also be uplifting praise, prayer and a gourmet lunch included in the $15 ticket price.

The event will be Saturday, Oct. 25 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Northeast Bible Church, 3415 14th Street in Plano.

Purchase tickets online at

Lett’s acclaimed one-woman drama, “Shattered Silhouettes,” portrays the challenges five women in the Bible faced -- Eve, Jezebel, Tamar, Leah and Mary.

“These are real people dealing with real issues,” Lett said.

With Eve, it’s discontentment. For Jezebel, it’s a power trip. Leah just wants to be loved. Tamar is sexually abused by her brother and Mary is an unwed, pregnant teenager.

“The premise is about shattering the silhouettes in our lives,” said Lett, noting that Scriptural inspiration came to her from John 8:32: “You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.”

Lett is no stranger to the Dallas area. She lived in Irving while completing her master’s degree in media and communication from Dallas Theological Seminary.

After graduating in 2005, she began commuting to Hollywood from Dallas for auditions and small acting parts. In 2009, when the back and forth became too onerous, her husband, Kevin Lett, decided they needed to move west.

The couple own a production company, Lett’s Rise, and also co-pastor a church plant called “Hope in the Hills,” which disciples and leads young artists and professionals in the Hollywood area to Christ.

In addition, Naima Lett is now a doctor of ministry candidate in preaching. She said she is racing to complete her dissertation in time to graduate from California’s Talbot School of Theology in May 2015.

She will then release her book, “Confessions of a Hollywood Christian.”

Although Lett has several stage and screen credits to her name, she said she’s had to put most projects on hold until she finishes her doctoral dissertation.

So when Margertree Holmes, the director of the Women’s Ministry at Northeast Bible Church in Plano called asking Lett to briefly return to North Texas to use her theatrical gifts to minister to ladies at this fall conference, the busy multi-tasker said she had to pray about it.

Fortunately for us, the Lord gave her a great big “yes!” Holmes said.

 “Ladies, if you want to be blessed, this is one conference that you won’t want to miss,” said Holmes. “Come, join us for a lovely time.”

Lett said she’s looking forward to being part of the mix.

“I love Dallas,” she said.

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