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Boys, Self-esteem, Beauty, Social Media, Peer Pressure, Academic Stress, Friendships, Body Image...

Adolescence can be a confusing time for both girls and their parents as the girls are dealing with their changing bodies, peer pressure at school, academic stress, social media, and let's not even mention boys!  

That's why I started You Grow Girl!  You Grow Girl is a weekly, supportive, Confidence Coaching group for girls ages 11-15.  In this group we discuss and process the  issues that girls face today. My goal is to help build girls' confidence by equipping them with positive life-skills so that they can truly honor themselves, know how to make healthy choices, choose healthy relationships (in friendships and when dating), and also set goals for their future.  

As a School Counselor and Certified Life Coach for Girls, I have found that too many girls lose focus while paying attention to the drama and chaos that goes on at school and on social media (i.e. mean girl drama).  My clients have reported that You Grow Girl has helped their daughter shift her focus off of that drama and back to living a positive, goal-driven life.  

Registration for You Grow Girl closes on March 18th and sessions begin on March 21st.  To view more details and to register, please click here.  

If your daughter has a scheduling conflict with the Saturday group sessions, no worries, I provide Individual Confidence Coaching via Skype as well (which girls love because they can chat with me while in the comfort of their home, fluffy slippers and all)  :) .

For more information on 1:1 Skype sessions, please contact me.

Here's to confidence & character!

Coach Keisha 

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