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Coins for Kids with Cancer Lacy White holding her son Charlie White; Miller Elementary teachers Alison Staples and Suzanne Hart; TeamConnor Jr. Advisorary Board members and Miler

Coins for Kids with Cancer benefits TeamConnor Childhood Cancer Foundation

Miller Elementary, a Plano Independent School District school located in east Richardson, collected more than $3,600 in the school’s second annual Coins for Kids with Cancer drive. The fundraiser is designed to encourage kids to learn the importance of giving back and how their participation can have an impact in the battle against childhood cancer. Coins for Kids with Cancer is a program benefiting the Dallas-based non-profit, TeamConnor Childhood Cancer Foundation.

TeamConnor is dedicated to raising awareness, supporting families and funding research and patient programs across the country to find a cure for childhood cancers. Miller Elementary raised funds in honor of four-year-old Charlie White, the younger brother of Connor White, a second-grader at Miller Elementary. Charlie was diagnosed with leukemia in February 2013 and has been undergoing treatment at Medical City Children’s Hospital in Dallas. 
“I am so proud of the students at Miller Elementary,” said Joy Cruse, TeamConnor founder. “When we started this program, we hoped it would bring awareness about the battle of childhood cancer and raise a little more money to help researchers pursue treatments and unlock the mystery of these dreadful diseases. We must keep fighting to help the child diagnosed tomorrow survive.”

Miller Elementary PTA and teachers Alison Staples and Suzanne Hart, along with the Miller Elementary Student Council, inspired the school to participate through posters, videos, morning announcements, sandwich boards during carpool and a friendly contest between the grades.  Students competed to see which grade level in kindergarten through fifth grade could raise the most money for the cause. The fourth grade class raised the most money and will get to choose a special activity and have a popsicle party.  

Miller Elementary, is unique in that two students are also members of TeamConnor’s Junior Advisory Board. Nathan Alvey and Caitlyn Coker, both fourth graders, are helping shape the future of TeamConnor. The TeamConnor Junior Advisory Board was created to allow youth in the community to give of their time, creativity and ideas to help in the fight against childhood cancer. 
TeamConnor hosts several events throughout the year to raise funds and awareness for childhood cancer research. Events coming up include Splash Out Childhood Cancer at Hawaiian Falls The Colony on July 11; Concert and Prayer Vigil on September 21; the Color Me Green 5K and Caterpillar Dash in October, and the 3rd Annual Northwestern Mutual Clay Shoot on November 7. More information about each event can be found on the organizations website,
Every year, more than 12,000 children and adolescents are diagnosed with cancer in the United States. Childhood cancer is the number one disease killer of children, yet the budget of the National Cancer Institute allocates less than four percent of its funds to pediatric cancer research. TeamConnor Childhood Cancer Foundation is dedicated to raising awareness and funding research and treatment programs to find a cure for all childhood cancers.   
For more information on how to impact the lives of those affected by childhood cancer please visit or find us at

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