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It’s time for PINK OUT: Wildcats fight for the cure!
At the Plano vs. McKinney game October 12, fans are encouraged to wear pink at Clark Stadium as part of National Breast Cancer Awareness month.  Players, cheerleaders, band and drill team members will incorporate some pink into their uniforms as well.
The idea to hold a Pink Out game came courtesy of the Planoettes three years ago.  Last year the Pink Out raised over $2,000 for the Susan G. Komen Foundation.  "It was my vision to start something at Plano to give back to those around us and to support a cause that has touched so many of us—even one of our Planoette moms," said Meredith WalravenPlanoette director.
According to the American Cancer Society, breast cancer will affect one out of every eight American women in their lifetime.
We ask that everyone wear something pink to the game, and the entire month! so put away your maroon and white and Pack the Place Pink!
We want Clark Stadium pinked out on October 12.  Pink Out shirts are available for purchase through thePlanoettes and will be sold for just $10.  Sales start at the Pep Rally outside the gym Friday, Sept 28 from 8:30 am – 9:30 am and 6 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. outside of Clark Stadium prior to game.  Shirts can also be purchased in the cafeteria from  11:30 a.m. to 1:45 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 2; Wednesday, Oct. 3; Thursday, Oct. 4; Tuesday, Oct. 9; Wednesday, Oct. 10; Thursday, Oct. 11.  They will also be available Friday, Oct. 12 from 6 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. outside of Clark Stadium prior to game.

For sales information, go to: or contact Teresa Michelsen at or 214-563-1578

The Planoettes drill team of Plano Senior High School is made up of nearly 80 junior and senior girls and the Maroon Guard.  The team is led by Director Meredith Walraven and Assitant Directors Lindsay Plackeand Jennifer Janak.  For more information, visit