
Our list of local Restaurants where Kids can eat Free

We love eating out but with a growing family and busy schedules, you could blow your budget quickly.

The great news is that we have a list of local restaurants that offer Kids Eat Free specials on Kids Meals. 

Kids Eat Free Featured

If you need to know where Kids Eat FREE in Dallas, Plano, Frisco, and surrounding areas we know where to go if you're looking to save while eating out in DFW. 

We’ve researched restaurants in the DFW area and around Plano that offer free or a 'Kids eat cheap' deal too.

Don't forget to check out these great Local Breakfast and Brunch Places and the Best Restaurants with Patios.

After the end of every great Kids' meal, you can head to one of 50 Great Ice Cream Shops and Fro-yo places nearby!

Kids eat Free Plano
Plano Moms, an Online Moms Community where we share Events, Fun Things to Do, Kids Friendly Restaurants, Mommy and Me Classes, Shopping, Health & Fitness Centers, PreSchools and Childcare and much more. Plano Moms connect Moms and Local Businesses in Plano, Dallas, Frisco, Richardson, McKinney, Allen, Wylie and more. It's a one stop go to resource for all things that Moms in Plano will ever need. - Contact Plano at  
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