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The Young Men's Service League (YMSL) North Star Chapter has opened enrollment for young men and moms interested in joining the incoming freshman class. An informational meeting will be held virtually on Sunday, February 21 beginning at 4:30 pm. To learn more about the YMSL organization, visit

The YMSL North Star Chapter serves more than 20 philanthropies across the area that impact our community. In addition, the Young Men meet throughout the year to learn life skills, garner leadership skills, and strengthen mother-son relationships.

“Our YMSL calendar year begins on May 1 and we have started recruiting Members for next year’s freshman class,” said Adriana Atchley, YMSL’s VP Membership. “We are looking for member moms and their young men who want to be active members of our North Star Chapter serving Murphy, Sachse, Richardson, Fairview, and Plano. Our upcoming virtual meeting is an opportunity to obtain more information and ask questions about the service organization.” 

Each year, the young men are required to serve 20 hours in the community, one half of those hours are served with their mom. Members and their young men have annual meeting requirements and also hold a job in the chapter each year. YMSL Members are required to make a four-year commitment to the organization. 

Even in the face of a global pandemic, the North Star chapter has found safe ways to make a difference in the community. Service opportunities have been altered to take place outdoors with safety protocols in place or found creative service opportunities including tasks that could be done together from home. 

All member and young men meetings have been conducted on Zoom. Despite the pandemic, the North Star chapter has been able to serve 500 hours over the same period in 2019-2020 which is quite a testament to the ingenuity and perseverance of the group. 

The Young Men’s Service League is a 501(c)(3) non-profit national organization founded in 2001. Members of YMSL are moms and their teenage sons who volunteer together to serve their local communities during his four years of high school. YMSL currently represents over 10,400 moms and 11,500 young men as part of 100 chapters across 16 states.  YMSL offers moms service opportunities and time together with her son(s) to grow their relationship and to instill in him a heart of service to last a lifetime. In addition to service, as part of its four-year comprehensive program, YMSL teaches leadership and life skills to develop our young men to become the capable, confident and compassionate leaders of tomorrow.

For more information on YMSL North Star and membership information, please visit

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