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Ms. Jane Borland was doubly honored this year – first, as the JPIIHS Teacher of the Year, and more recently as the Notre Dame Club of Dallas’s Teacher of the Year. “We are proud to honor Ms. Borland with this award for her tremendous efforts inside of the classroom and in our community,” said Patty Perez Sherk of the Notre Dame Club of Dallas. “She is an extraordinary example to our youth.”

Ms. Borland, who has taught Chemistry for eight years at JPIIHS, is known on campus as “Mamma B” for her caring, nurturing attitude toward students and faculty. “She’s so passionate about her students, and truly wants them to succeed,” said Mr. Vern Dewees, fellow teacher. Teacher Kristen Bert agreed. “She’s so dedicated to her students, and even helps the faculty to become better teachers,” she said.

Ms. Borland said she loves what she does because of the amazing students, and the fact that she is able to be open about her faith. She will be presented the award at the Universal Notre Dame Night on May 12, and the club will sponsor her next fall at the Excellence in Teaching Conference at the University of Notre Dame.