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2013 Citizen of the Year 2013 Citizen of the Year Dr. Myrtle Hightower with 2012 Citizen of the Year Jamie Schell.

Is there someone in the Plano community who comes to mind when you think of an “outstanding citizen?” If so, then consider nominating them for the Plano Chamber’s most prestigious award, Citizen of the Year.

Every year, this award is presented to a Plano citizen in recognition of his or her personal contributions over a period of years (outside of regular work duties) that have contributed to the welfare and advancement of Plano. This personal sacrifice is typically rendered through civic or community work as well as their achievements in their chosen field of business.  

The 2016 Citizen of the Year will join past honorees, including Olin Jaye, Rebecca Egelston Caso, Dr. Myrtle Hightower, Duncan and Beth Webb, Andre’ Davidson, Florence Shapiro, and many more. All previous Best of Plano award winners, including Citizen of the Year recipients, can be found in our Hall of Fame.

The deadline to nominate a Citizen of the Year and all other awards is Friday, July 8. The nomination form can be found on Mark your calendars now for Best of Plano 2016, which is scheduled for Thursday, October 6, 2016.