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DWE Don't Miss Dallas Women Entrepreneurs Networking Event

If you're a business woman in Dallas, don't miss the chance to network with the state's most inspiring women entrepreneurs!

Date & Time:
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
6:00 - 9:00 PM CDT

15201 Dallas Parkway
Dallas, TX 75001

Dallas Women Entrepreneurs is holding its next networking event. Connect with a thriving community of business women who meet monthly to share stories, generate ideas, form friendships, and simply relax and have fun.

Whether you're an experienced professional or a budding entrepreneur, you'll be inspired and welcomed by the DWE community. Everything we do is guided by a collaborative spirit, acceptance of others, and particular attention to the unique role of women in business today.

Join DWE's monthly networking event to make valuable contacts and grow your business alongside the most successful women in Dallas. The event is free for DWE VIP members, but non-members are encouraged to participate, and if you sign up today you’ll pay just $20! Click for Tickets Spots are filling fast, so buy your ticket now!

Questions? Text or call Petya Edwards at 214.971.5005, or email

For more information or to become a member, visit the DWEwebsite:

See you there!

Petya Edwards
Founder, DWE


DWE celebrates the influence and achievements of women entrepreneurs in Dallas. We empower our members with valuable resources and events to connect, collaborate and grow. Make new friends, get inspired, and grow your business alongside Dallas’ most innovative business women. Click to join DWE today!

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