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Seven Loaves needs almost 1,000 backpacks and school supplies for registered pantry clients

Summer is in full swing, and before we know it, we'll be out buying our kids their school supplies.  For many families, that is an expense they cannot afford.  The Seven Loaves Community is working to help their registered food pantry clients by providing backpacks and school supplies for their children, but the community's support is needed.

Beginning June 28 through July 12, the community can donate these items.  Please bring items to St. Andrew United Methodist Church, 5801 W. Plano Parkway, Plano, at the Mission Center or the donation drop off in the youth rotunda.  

If you are someone who prefers not to shop, you may provide a monetary donation, and Seven Loaves will use that to purchase what is needed. Please make out your check to Seven Loaves Community with a notation for backpacks in the subject line, and mail to Seven Loaves Community, 5801 W. Plano Parkway, Plano, TX  75093 or visit our website

Please donate new generic backpacks (black, dark blue, or red) that can be used by any age or gender child, and fill with the following school supply items:

Elementary School Age:

1 pkg. notebook paper (wide ruled)

#2 pencils

1 pkg. colored pencils

2 black ink pens

2 red ink pens

1 eraser

1 yellow highlighter

2 spiral notebooks (wide ruled; yellow, blue, green, or red)


Middle/High School Age:

Same as elementary list but notebook paper and spiral notebooks should be college ruled.

“Many of us take for granted being able to go out and purchase supplies before the start of school, but so many families cannot afford these items,” said Terry Breedlove, COO/General Manager, Seven Loaves Community.   “The excitement on their faces when they receive these items is priceless.”

For any questions, visit or call 214-291-8038.   

“This is a generous community, and we want to thank everyone in advance for their contributions,” added Breedlove.  “We could not do all that we do without the help of so many caring people.”


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