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Faith Lutheran School Latin students in 6th-12th Grades recently took the National Latin Exam. They were among 153,000 students worldwide who participated in this exam. FLS Latin teachers are Helen Germann, Debi Tauschek, and Rev. Mark Taylor. The following FLS students received an award for their achievement. Congratulations to these students for their hard work!

Mina Phipps, 6th grade, Intro Exam, Ribbon & Certificate
Juliann Idichandy, 6th grade, Intro Exam, Certificate
Simon Lin, 6th grade, Intro Exam, Certificate
Jonathan Xu, 6th grade, Intro Exam, Certificate
Jonathan Koch, 7th grade, Intro Exam, Ribbon & Certificate
Valerie Canute, 7th grade, Intro Exam, Certificate
John Lin, 7th grade, Intro Exam, Certificate
McKenzie Todd, 7th grade, Intro Exam,Certificate
Divjot Mand, 8th grade, High School Latin I Exam, Cum Laude
Phillip Merritt, 9th grade, High School Latin II Exam, Silver – Maxima Cum Laude
Paul Merritt, 10th grade, High School Latin III Exam,  Silver – Maxima Cum Laude
Jonathan Kieser, 11th grade, High School Latin II Exam, Gold – Summa Cum Laude
David Woelmer, 11th grade, High School Latin III Exam, Magna Cum Laude
Rebecca Kieser, 12th grade, High School Latin II Exam, Cum Laude
Steven Krycho, 12th grade, High School Latin III Exam, Cum Laude 

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