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L to R - Kyle Wick, DFW Iowa Club President and Board Member; Kathryn Copple, TeamConnor Executive Director; Amy Hicklin - DFW Iowa Club Board Member and Jerry Fisher - DFW Iowa Club Board Member

The Dallas/Fort Worth Iowa Club hosted a special event, "Grappling Childhood Cancer with Gable," to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the University of Iowa Alumni Association. Former Iowa wrestling coach Dan Gable was the keynote speaker. The DFW Iowa Club selected TeamConnor Childhood Cancer Foundation to be the beneficiary of the event and raised $8,000 for TeamConnor. 

Childhood cancer is the number one disease killer of children; yet the National Cancer Institute allocates less than four percent of its budget to pediatric cancer research.

TeamConnor hosts events throughout the year to raise funds for childhood cancer research, including the Splash Out Childhood Cancer, July 10; National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month Concert, September 16; Color Me Green 5K/10K, October 7; and the Northwestern Mutual Clay Shoot, November 2.  In addition, TeamConnor’s national Coins for Kids with Cancer program raises funds across the country to help fund childhood cancer research.

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