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Seven Loaves Food Pantry needs school supplies for over 1,000 registered pantry clients

 The Storehouse of Collin County will collect school supplies for registered food pantry clients, July 17- August 10, at 1401 Mira Vista Blvd, Plano, TX 75093.

The following supplies are requested:

-8, 10, or 12 pack of #2 pencils 

-Packs of blue, red, or black ball point pens 

-Pink erasers (large)

-12 inch rulers (plastic)

“For those struggling to put food on the table, school supplies are far outside family budgets,” said Becky Jones, Strategic Communications Coordinator, The Storehouse of Collin County. “By contributing, you are helping us to lift this expensive burden for so many families.”

For any questions, visit or call (469) 385-1815. For those who prefer not to shop, monetary donations help offset the cost of supplies purchased.  Please visit our website, or make out your check to The Storehouse of Collin County with a notation for backpacks in the subject line, and mail to 1401 Mira Vista Blvd., Plano TX  75093.

“This is a generous community, and we want to thank everyone in advance for their contributions,” added Jones.  “We could not do all that we do without the help of so many caring people.”

The Storehouse of Collin County, housed within St. Andrew United Methodist Church, is the umbrella of services providing short-term assistance and long-term transformation to residents of Collin County in need: the Seven Loaves Food Pantry, serving 900 families a month; Joseph’s Coat Clothing Closet, providing an average of 4,000 garments each month; and Project Hope, a mentoring program supporting women in crisis. The program first began in 2009 under the name of Seven Loaves which provided only food pantry staples and grew over the years to meet a variety of needs. An estimated 130,000 people in Collin County live below the poverty level, more than half of which are children. Visit