
The Plano Environmental Health Department has received notification from the Collin County Health Department of human cases of West Nile Virus within zip code 75024 and 75075. This brings the total number of cases reported in Plano to seven for 2012. 

Plano’s Environmental Health Department continues to utilize the City’s Integrated Pest Management program by providing habitat reduction strategies to the public, monitoring for mosquito activity and applying mosquito larvicide and spray abatement measures. 

The Department advises residents to be vigilant in reducing mosquito breeding habitats around their residences by draining standing water outside their homes, maintaining swimming pools and taking precautions by using mosquito repellent containing DEET during those times in early morning and dusk when mosquitoes are most prevalent.  

A West Nile Virus informational hotline, (972) 941-7180, has been implemented to answer the most commonly asked questions regarding the Virus, at-home prevention measures and Environmental Health mosquito vector control. 

Additional information and updates to the map for neighborhoods that have been treated may be found on the department’s website at

Information provided by the City of Plano

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