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Newsweek Magazine has released its rankings of the top 1,000 public schools across the United States and all three Plano Senior High Schools came in the top quarter. The rankings were based on six components: graduation rate, college matriculation rate, AP/IB/AICE tests taken, average SAT/ACT scores, average AP/IB/AICE scores, and AP courses offered.

Plano West Senior High School led the way at No. 63. Plano West had a graduation rate of 98-percent, had 95-percent of its students go on to college. The average SAT/ACT score for students was 1705/26. Plano West finished with a final Newsweek score of 1.14.

Plano Senior High School was second at No. 108; the Wildcats post a graduation rate of 95-percent and have 97-percent go on to college. Their average SAT/ACT score is right alongside Plano West at 1698/26. Their final Newsweek score was 0.98.

Plano East Senior High School finished at No. 243. The school has a 98-percent graduation rate but only 88-percent are college-bound. The average SAT/ACT score is lower than its two counterparts at 1632/25. The Panthers had a final Newsweek score of 0.7.

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