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U.S. Congressman Sam Johnson, Texas State Senator Van Taylor, and Texas State Representative Jeff Leach officially kicked-off St. Mark Catholic School - Plano, TX's 35th anniversary year on Friday, October 7. Flags were flown over the U.S. Capitol and Texas State Capitol buildings, and a State Proclamation was issued in the school's honor, which were presented to Principal, Patricia Opon. 

The esteemed guests spoke with St. Mark students about the upcoming election season, civic duty, the importance of service to community, and how they represent America's future leaders.

Father Clifford Smith, Pastor of St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church, gave a special 35th anniversary blessing, St. Mark Catholic Church - Plano, TX Boy Scout Troop 285 presented the colors, students presented the national anthem, patriotic and spiritual songs, and Student Council officers presented the dignitaries with plaques recognizing them as "Honorary Lions."

St. Mark Catholic School of Plano, Texas is a two-time recipient of the U.S. Department of Education’s Blue Ribbon Award, and has been educating preschool through eighth grade students in the Catholic traditions of faith, gospel values, and academic excellence since 1982.

For more information about St. Mark Catholic School, visit the school’s website at, find them on Facebook at St. Mark Catholic School-Plano, TX, or follow St. Mark on Twitter @stmarkcatholic.

St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Community serves more than 10,000 families in the greater Plano area. For more information, visit, find them on Facebook at St. Mark Catholic Church-Plano, TX, or on Twitter @stmevangelion.