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The Legacy Willow Bend Commemorates Passover Members of The Legacy Willow Bend come together to commemorate Passover with a Seder. Photo by Susan Lynch

The Legacy Willow Bend, Plano’s first and only life care community, recently hosted a traditional Seder on the second night of Passover. Cary Rossel, board member and former chair of The Legacy Senior Communities, Inc., led the service. Staff, members and their families came together for the celebration of freedom that is central to the Jewish faith.

“It is important to honor our Jewish tradition of joining together with family and friends to rejoice in our freedom and the freedom of our ancestors,” said Rossel. “Commemorating one of the most significant parts of history, when the Israelites fled from Egypt, gave us a chance to reflect on our past. The experience unified participants and allowed us all to truly connect with our heritage.”

The service opened with the candle lighting and was followed by traditional prayers, songs and the four questions. Several of The Legacy Willow Bend community members and staff took part in retelling the Passover story by reading the Haggadah, including President and CEO of The Legacy Senior Communities, Michael Ellentuck and his wife Linda.

A Seder plate displayed symbolic food items that corresponded with valuable pieces of the story of the Exodus from Egypt. The karpas (green vegetable) reminded participants of the green flourishing vegetation of new life in spring, the saltwater symbolized the tears the Jewish people shed while they were slaves in Egypt, and the matzah represented the haste of the departure from Egypt.

“Passover is an important time for us to provide a meaningful experience for our members and their families,” said Michael Ellentuck. “I personally look forward to celebrating the holiday in our community each year, and I hope everyone who attended felt a sense of belonging and togetherness.”

The community held Seders in independent living, assisted living and memory support to ensure all members could participate in a formal celebration of the holiday.

For information about The Legacy Willow Bend, call 972-468-6208, or visit