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On Sunday, March 16, Miss Teen Plano, Angelica Jasmine Bates represented Plano, Texas in the International System at the Granville Arts Center - Brownlee Auditorium in Garland. This Plano West Senior High school senior brought home the “Miss Congeniality” and “Contestants’ Choice” awards. The International System was founded in 1985. This pageant has earned the reputation of being one the most professional and top of the line pageants and is aligned with the American Heart Association.

Angelica-Jasmine is an ASL honors student whose platform is, “All Senses are Beautiful.” She has been volunteering her time to many local community organizations. This Side UP! Family Center – Moving Families from Surviving to Thriving, Christmas Cops – a program operated by Plano Police employees to assist Plano families in need during the Christmas Season, Victory Flows – a Christian ministry dedicated to serving the Families and Persons affected by disabilities, and Minnie’s Food Pantry – providing healthy, nutritious food and red carpet treatment to every person we serve in the community; just to name a few of these organizations. She even took the time during the middle of competition to make an appearance at the North Texas Angels Pageant on Saturday, March 15, at the Eisemann Center and wished many of these special contestants good luck and to show her support.  She is a member of the ASL club, PALS and STAND at her school and mentors elementary children. 

Angelica-Jasmine believes, "The everyday person is the hero. A superhero wearing a cape can feel obligated, but you can make a difference. Try it a simple hello or random act of kindness. These acts can change the world."