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North Texas Xtreme Gaming gave away a free video game party to the winner of their Halloween Costume Contest.  The contest was open to everyone in the Frisco, Allen, Plano and McKinney area.  The winners were dressed up as Mario characters and received almost 1000 views on our Facebook page.  This is what the mother of the winner had to say:

"I’ve been a subscriber to Bubble Life for several years now and read over it daily to see what is going on in my community of Frisco.  I saw the information about the contest by North Texas Xtreme Gaming on Bubble Life.  Last year for Halloween my boys went as Mario & Luigi and we made go-karts for them to wear so that they could look like the characters from their favorite game Mario Kart.  I wanted to enter the contest to win the game truck for my son’s 8U FFL Aggies football team.  They are a great group of boys, many of who have been together since 5 years old, and I thought this would be a fun way to reward them for a hard working season.  I submitted the picture and when it was posted on North Texas Xtreme Gaming’s Facebook page I shared it with our football team’s Facebook page to spread the word.  And it worked!  We won!  Best of all the owner of North Texas Xtreme Gaming was kind enough to squeeze us in late Saturday evening when we had all the boys over for our End of Season Spend the Night Party.   It was the perfect spend the night activity.  The boys had a blast!  And North Texas Xtreme Gaming was so wonderful to work with I know we’ll be contacting them again in the future."

We at North Texas Xtreme Gaming would like to thank all of those that entered and all that voted by liking the pictures.  We are thinking about our next contest as it was a lot of fun for all.

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