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Mishty Deb Attorney, community leader

According to the Dallas Economic Development center nearly 20% of businesses in the City of Dallas are owned by women and that number is growing. With less woman breaking the "glass ceiling” in the corporate arena female owned business are leading the way to true financial freedom. A whopping 45% of America millionaires are now women, this trend seems to have legs.

So, before you quit your day job make sure you have helpful business resources to direct your new journey of entrepreneurship. One of the reasons, women are superseding men in this area is because we are more results driven and community leader, lawyer and entrepreneur Mishty Deb decided to not complain about it but do something about it!

Misty created a FREE workshop series for women called “Sharks in Heels.” Misty was able to convince some of the top leaders in DFW to share their secrets and resources with the attendees famously called "Sharkettes" and explains why she feels women can not only break that glass ceiling but shatter all expectations of woman leaders.

Below, she provides her 4 helpful traits to successful women entrepreneurship in 2016 and the secrets to unlock your future.

  • Women are always learning: Women listen, read books and publications, network and attend professional events. We tend to seek our mentors, sponsors and advisor, and continuing education.

  • Women drive for results: Women build better teams, and they’re more likely respected and liked as manager. They are also better leaders than men and understand the importance building relationships.

  • Women use their portfolio as power: It is natural for women to have power through the internet and social media as a way to raise small amounts of funding. According to Mary Quist-Newins, author of Women and Money: Matters of Trust, 60 % of high-net-worth women have earned their own fortunes.

  • Women use failure as the gateway to success: Women tend to not feed into the negative vibe and move forward and towards success/ Women understand that no obstacle is easy but by learning from your failure, it will help you not make the same mistake twice.


These free traits could help women entrepreneurs prosper in their businesses and learn how to take over in the industry. This could be the next you. Be sure to check out the next Sharks in Heels event in January 2016. More information about Sharks in Heels or Mishty Deb, visit or

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