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bigstock-Daily-news-newspaper-headline--38653585.j The news is out - You are not afraid of the Pain!!!

This is the fourth  installment of a five part series on living in your purpose. The central focus is to stay on track with your purpose even in the face of pain and difficultes. We are looking at Five Leadership Lessons learned learned from Willis Reed on how to stay focued on your purpose and not the pain in your life. Mr. Reed was injured during the 1970 NBA Championship Series, but decided to play in the final and pivotal game 7.

Leadership Principle 4.  He knew the importance of showing the opposing team there was no fear in him. 

 Because of his leg injury, no one knew for sure if Reed would play in game seven. While his team was on the court warming up for game seven, Reed remained in the locker room receiving treatments. Just moments before the game started, Reed left the locker room and headed to the basketball court. When his teammates and the Knicks fans saw his unexpected entrance, everyone went wild with excitement; that is everyone with the exception of the opposing team, the Lakers. When Reed came on the court, the entire Laker team stopped what they were doing and watched in unbelief as Reed went to the table to check-in for the game.

 The Lakers may have thought that Reed would not show up for this game given the pain he was in. But they were wrong. In order to lead effectively, or to give guidance to your family, you have to prove to your fears and concerns that they are wrong about you. They are wrong in thinking that you will not get up or show up for that next opportunity. The Lakers, with their super star laden team may have thought for sure, given their talent level and the pain that Reed was in, he would not show up.

 The one thing you have to do when facing the giant of pain or the giant of fear is to push back by showing up. When you show up when others have counted you out, you cause them to question their resolve and effectiveness. Don’t allow the bullies of your life to bully you – bully them back by showing up with a smile and a determination to win.

 2 Timothy 1:7 " For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."

 When the other team sees that you have no fear, it will put fear in their hearts.

 Are you interested in "OVERCOMING YOUR IT?" By that I mean are you ready to move past the stage or phase that you are stuck in? Then email me at for an oppurtunity to be a part of a free learning session. More details to come. 

I am a Certified Relationship Coach who is passionate about helping Couples (Married or Dating) see their relationship flourish. I coach couples on how to "Reconnect Recommit and Rekindle" their relationship so that they can enjoy the love they have dreamed of. - Contact Dave at  
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