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Faith Lutheran School third and fourth grade students recently welcomed school Headmaster Rev. Steve Kieser to their classroom for a presentation about beekeeping.

Kieser, a beekeeper for many years, showed the class equipment necessary for a beekeeper, including a smoker, hive tool, gloves, outfit, had and veil.  He also showed the students a hive box, complete with honeycomb cells.

 "This was the perfect culminating activity following a science unit on insects," said Faith Lutheran School teacher Cheryl Wildauer.  "Students had also recently read poetry about insects from the book "Joyful Noise" by Paul Fleischman. The children really enjoyed this presentation, asked many of great questions, and learned a lot of little-known facts about bees."

Students learned that the live expectancy of queen bees is two years. Worker bees live about 30 days.  Bee hives may contain as many as 80,000 to 100,000 worker bees.  Queen and worker bees are all females and have stingers, while drone beers are males and have no stingers, Kieser said.

Kieser's presentation to students concluded with each student tasting a sample of raw wildflower honey which Kieser brought from hives he recently tended in Indiana.

About Faith Lutheran School

In 1971, the congregation of Faith Lutheran Church in Plano, Texas established a four-year-old preschool for children of the congregation. Since then, the school has grown and opened enrollment to others in the community on a tuition basis. Faith Lutheran School is fully accredited and currently provides classes from pre-school three-year-olds through the twelfth grade.   School curriculum is based on the classical model of education. The school's educational program also includes both sports and the fine arts. To learn more about Faith Lutheran School, please visit the school's web site at or call 972.423.7448.

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