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William Brittain of Plano, Samuel Taylor of Wylie, Audrey Chen of Richardson, Faith Lutheran School headmaster Rev. Stephen W. Kieser of Plano, Audrey Chen of Richardson, David Idichandy of Murphy, Elizabeth Crawford of Plano, Audrey Barry of Sacshe

Faith Lutheran School​ of Plano students in second, third and fourth grades were among the 24,560 students in 603 schools in 47 states who participated in the Spring Noetic Math Contest in April. 

"This was a written exam of math problems that required a high level of problem solving ability," explained Faith Lutheran School teacher Cheryl Wildauer of Allen.

Congratulations to these Faith Lutheran School students for their achievements on this nation-wide test:

Grade 2: (3,936 participants nationwide)
National Honorable Mention: Jocelyn Chen and Julia Voicu (not pictured)
Team Winner: Julia Voicu
Other participants: Audrey Chen, David Idichandy, Samuel Taylor

Grade 3: 5,384 participants nationwide
National Honorable Mention: Audrey Barry and Elizabeth Koch (not pictured)
Team Winner: Audrey Barry
Other participant: Elizabeth Crawford 

Grade 4: 5,862 participants nationwide
National Honorable Mention: Julia Hitz (not pictured)
Team Winner: Julia Hitz
Other participant: William Brittain

About Faith Lutheran School
In 1971, the congregation of Faith Lutheran Church in Plano, Texas established a four-year-old preschool for children of the congregation. Since then, the school has grown and opened enrollment to others in the community on a tuition basis. Faith Lutheran School is fully accredited and currently provides classes from pre-school three-year-olds through the twelfth grade. School curriculum is based on the classical model of education. The school's educational program also includes both sports and the fine arts. To learn more about Faith Lutheran School, please visit the school's web site at or call 972.423.7448. 

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