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The Collin County Business Alliance (CCBA) celebrated its fifth anniversary on Wednesday, Dec. 7 with a panel discussion and luncheon focused on global leadership in the 21st century. More than 400 business executives and professional from across the region, as well as local and statewide officials gathered at the Capital One campus in Plano to commemorate CCBA’s milestones and Collin County’s tremendous growth over the past five years.

The panel was comprised of global influencers, including Sara Wilshaw, consul general of Canada to the south central United States; Cameron Munter, president and CEO of the EastWest Institute, an international “think and do” tank focused on international conflict resolution; and Francisco de la Torre Galindo, the consul general of Mexico in Dallas. Moderated by Jim Falk, president and CEO of the World Affairs Council of Dallas-Fort Worth, the panelists addressed a series of topics ranging from policy, recent events impacting global business and the expanding business footprint of North Texas.

CCBA Chairman and Capital One Financial Services President, Sanjiv Yajnik, acknowledged the growth of Collin County and reinforced the mission of CCBA, as well as the accomplishments and milestones that took place over the past five years.

Since its inception, CCBA has held regular policy forums and summits to bring together hundreds of leaders from the business community, the government and academia to discuss innovative solutions to key challenges and to address gaps in the current policy environment in and around Collin County. Members have fully supported the passage of several propositions.

CCBA has also featured high-profile guest speakers such as former President George W. Bush and Gen. Colin Powell. Most recently, former First Lady, Laura Bush spoke at the CCBA Leadership Symposium in October on her time at the White House and the importance of education.




About The Collin County Business Alliance

Formed in 2011, the CCBA is comprised of business leaders who believe that we have the responsibility to take action now to shape our vibrant community, or we put our future success at risk. By acting as a catalyst to address key issues such as water, education and transportation today, we will ensure that our already successful county has an even brighter future. Envisioning tomorrow, inspiring action today.


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