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Capital One Financial Services’ human resources (HR) department recently hosted an “HR Empowers” event for individuals served by various local non-profit organizations including Samaritan Inn, Per Scholas, YWCA and Collin County Children’s Advocacy Center. The event provided participants with tools and resources to aid in job searches such as resume building, one-on-one resume reviews and mock interviews. Capital One also gave attendees the opportunity to take professional headshots to help boost their online portfolios. At the end of the event, Capital One surprised the group with Kindles.

Capital One Financial Services management and HR teams assisted attendees throughout the event, shedding insight into the qualifications and qualities Capital One looks for when hiring their employees. Capital One’s Future Edge initiative is committed to helping people develop skills for the jobs of today and tomorrow and allows the company to interact with the community in a wide range of workforce development programs and activities. 

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