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Capital One partnered with Heart of America to participate in a school-wide reading day at Barron Elementary School in Plano. Approximately 14 Capital One associates delivered “BuddyPacks” filled with age-appropriates books and supplies to reflect grades kindergarten through fifth grade. Each grade level gathered at different times in the library to listen to a Capital One associate read a book, after which the students received their “BuddyPacks.” The students also presented Capital One with hand-written letters and thank-you banners to show their appreciation.

The Heart of America Foundation works to help ensure all children have the opportunity to learn and grow. The organization has served a generation of more than one million students in need by distributing more than four million books and transforming more than 325 school libraries, cafeterias, and educational spaces in high-need areas across the United States.

Capital One is committed to supporting organizations including Heart of America that create a positive impact in local communities. This event is part of Capital One’s East Plano Place-Based Initiative, a multi-faceted community revitalization project created by Capital One to serve as a catalyst for the continued development of Plano east of Highway 75. 

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