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Who doesn’t love summer? Fun in the sun, BBQs, boating, pool parties, picnics, family vacations, sleeping in … Aaaaahhhhhh, it’s been a great ride. However, those laid-back – and, if you’re a parent, kids home from school – days can also throw a monkey wrench into our fitness routines. Fret not! With back-to-school season in full swing, now is a great time to reclaim your fit and fabulous self. Here’s how:

Step 1: Love thyself! Make your health a priority.

Whether you’re a mom who always puts family first or a workaholic who always puts clients first, it’s time to show yourself a little love. Give yourself permission to take time for self-care, so you can be in the best shape possible – mentally and physically –to do your best for others.

Step 2: Stop making excuses.

Chances are it won’t get any easier than today to get back on the workout train. It’s up to you to CHOOSE to get moving and get fit – just do it already! If that means getting up an hour earlier a couple days a week or working in a power walk at lunch, just DO IT.

Step 3: Commit to working out smart at least 3x/week.

In our recent blog on how to tackle belly fat, Body Machine Fitness (BMF) Plano Master Trainer Ethan explains why a minimum of three weekly sessions of cardio – 30 minutes or more – is essential if you want to get fit. You can optimize fat burning during your workout with cardio routines – high-intensity interval training (HIIT), treadmill, etc. – that focus on large muscle groups like the legs. Increase workout frequency to accelerate results. (Get more deets on working out smart in the aforementioned belly fat blog.)

Step 4: Schedule time for exercise.

It’s one thing to say you’re going to go for a couple of bike rides this week or drop in on a HIIT group personal training class or two. It’s a much smarter move to grab your calendar and schedule it. This is especially true for busy moms and dads who need to shuttle kids to and from school and extracurriculars. Once you put it in “writing,” it’s more official, and you’ll be less likely to allot that time to something else.

Been awhile since you’ve hit the gym? Get advice from BMF Plano personal trainer Mario in this recent post: Dusting Off Your Sneaks? 4 Success Tips from a Fitness Pro.

Step 5: Seek advice from an experienced personal trainer at your local gym or boutique fitness studio.

One of the best ways to reignite your workout regimen is to get professional advice. If you’re looking for a new, local gym, find out what – if any – access you’ll have to personal trainers on staff. A trainer can help you assess your fitness goals and counsel you on the best ways to tackle them to maximize results. At BMF’s boutique fitness studio in Plano, we believe so strongly in the member-personal trainer relationship that our trainers are available to members before, during and after every class.

Learn why BMF was voted the #1 Best Gym in Plano for 2018 – request a FREE class here!

Step 6: Recruit a workout buddy (or two).

Accountability, motivation and moral support – three great reasons to find a pal to get fit with you. Going for nightly walks or taking classes at a local gym or boutique fitness studio with a buddy can increase the fun factor. Working out with friends is also a great way to maintain social connections in our crazy, busy world.

Step 7: Resolve to eat healthier the easy way: Eat clean.

To get fit, you need to exercise AND eat right. The good news is that eating healthy can be a lot easier than you think – just focus on eating clean. Start by adding more fresh, unprocessed foods to your shopping cart and skipping sugar- and chemical-laden processed foods. Cruise the outer edges of the grocery store and grab veggies, fruits, healthy grains and high-quality proteins like wild-caught fish, cage-free eggs, free-range chicken, pastured pork and grass-fed beef.

BMF’s licensed nutritionist Alix made eating clean even easier! Get Alix's 10 tips for eating healthier here.

Want to find a local gym or boutique fitness studio in Plano?

Stop by Body Machine Fitness in Plano for a tour. We’d be happy to introduce you to our trainers and show you our transformation room (the only stadium-style treadmill studio in existence), state-of-the-art sound and lighting system, first-class amenities, smoothie bar and more.

Then, if you want to check out a group personal training class at BMF, we’ve got you covered. Not only is your FIRST CLASS FREE (sign up here)– BMF never charges an enrollment fee OR cancellation fee – EVER.

Wondering if BMF could be a good fit for you? Check out our Yelp reviews to read life-changing stories from members of the BMF community in Plano.

We’re also happy to answer any questions you have about BMF or our classes. Feel free to contact us.

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