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It’s that time again. The holiday decorations are already in the stores, television commercials are providing you with more options than you ever dreamed for the ideal holiday gift, and yes, your phone is ringing and mail is filling up with folks asking for donations for their charities. We know you want to help as many as possible, while also providing an awesome Christmas for your family! But it can be so tough, particularly if you are already a little short on funds.

We understand, and have definitely been there ourselves! That is why we want to help. Our belief is that we should do everything we can to make the lives of our clients and friends easier. Whether that is providing an excellent experienceregarding your personal and professional insurance, or helping out with great advice, we strive to be a partner and support you in the best way possible.

It was from this very belief that we decided to do something just a little different for the holidays – something that would make a real impact in your life and provide an opportunity for you to do something nice for your family, friends or even your favorite charity. It made sense for us to induct our own Alkali elves and create the Debt Free Christmas Cash Hunt!

Commitment to the Spirit of the Season

Why a cash hunt? Because we want to live our commitment to our clients to improve how they buy and manage insurance and to live their lives debt free. And we wanted to go beyond and provide support to our clients and friends, so we came up with the Debt Free Christmas Cash Hunt. It’s our way of supporting others and sharing our blessings. All you have to do is choose to participate!

Jump On the Sleigh and Ride!

Beginning next week, our elves will hide envelopes of cash in the North Dallas area. Yes, cash! If you want to add a little extra to your holiday fund this year, then here’s what you need to do:

  1. Start following us on Facebook – like and follow our Facebook page! We will drop clues here, but there is another, even better way to get information…
  2. Sign up for email alerts – visit our Debt Free Christmas Cash Hunt page and sign up for email alerts. These will be different than those on social media, so make sure you sign up to get the best clues!
  3. Have fun! – We want this to be a fun event for you, so check out the rules and guidelines on our page, make sure you are signed up for clues, and go grab yourself some extra cash!

We know that Christmas is a time of year where you want to give more. In keeping with the season we are doing just that – giving you an opportunity to have some fun, get some cash, and enjoy time away from your normal day-to-day routine!

Remember; follow us on Facebook, but also sign up to receive clues via email! Then just follow the clues so you can take more steps to having a Debt Free Christmas! Good luck!

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